Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

assssbunny !

hello peoples, hello midterm. I write in a short time to tell you, I dunno how to make that template be normally so I have a good solution to change new layout and html, but JUST THIS LAYOUT can delete all sck things in my blog. SO here I am, Miss Bunny Pinky Chibi Chibi.Thanks -_-

Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

turn on twenty

well ceritanya gue habis Ulangtahun 3 hari yang lalu (October 17) dan sekarang gue 20 lebih 3 hari, seneng ! karna gue berhasil membuat orang di gazebo pergi dan meninggalkan gue sendiri disini, ini baru namanya 20 tahun hahaha. 
Ok serius *mukaserius* Puji Tuhan akhirnya 20 tahun ya, sebenernya dalam hati pengen banget nge-skip hari itu, like someone ever said semakin tua umur semakin malas buat memperingatinya, let it grow without you know, jadi kalau ada yang nanya, eh umur lo berapa ? jawabnya 17 tahun keatas gitu deh *lanjut* rencananya gue bakalan stay cool dan calm down menghadapi umur yang tergolong ehm 'tua' di angkatan gue di kampus hijau majestik ini, cuma ya bersyukur aja, menjelang umur 20 cuma tidur doang ngumpulin tenaga biar jam 5 bisa nerusin print screen tugas statistik yang 42 halaman belum lagi jurnal biokim yang masih zzz banget. Tapi dibalik itu semua, cuma mau bilang Thank You Jesus, for giving me a full life, many stories created and I happy for this, sometimes feeling bad & good, but it just like a seasoning. Thank you Mother Maria, too heavy but I know you always in every little my life :) then Thank you Ma, Pa just say I love you, I'm crying for short time when you call me, I will show you that I'm not a little girl, I will grow as well as you hope. Tsujand hahaha, we try to be a good child ya bang, so make them proud as we can! tas aku loh bakalan ditagih. and then Thank you my next family, Icel Tika Eka Vicky, two years having you in my life, sometimes I make you mad, happy, mad, tired  hahaha, but it just a process to be solid (bahasa kimia) Thankyou dahsyat ya cantik-cantik, beda kaya sebelumnya kali ini sumpah ga nyangka kali, jarang loh aku tersyoked dengan ulah kalian dan itu memalukan, panitianya ini ga banget ya sampai bawa-bawa bang marcel sama bang ryan, senengnya ya luar biasa, hahaha, padahal jurnal belum kelar, sendal putus dan baru mandi, kuehnya burger segala, tapi ga apa, apapun dari kalian semuanya yummy :9 Thank you dahsyat juga buat yang udah rela nungguin jam 12 malam buat sms/twitter/fb dan instagram, udah rempong buat gift selamat ulangtahun, semuanya makasiii banget, I love you dear :) 
20 tahun ini aku aminkan semua doa-doa dari kalian, semoga sukses, semoga cepat lulus kuliahnya dan semogaaaaa dapat jodoh ! Amin!!!! makasi buat semuanya, selain itu juga mengurangi semua tindakan minus semoga semua menjadi tindakan positif yang layak buat dicontoh tanpa tulisan 'adegan berbahaya, jangan ditiru dirumah' dan juga segera Move On ! life must go on, so happiness not behind but in front of you :) 
last happy twenty and three days wing ! be better :)

 abang rojik namanya, ganteng kan ? calon pengganti afgan :P thankyou dear :*

 ini kerjaan si bela, ada foto 7 lons disitu :( are you meet up guys ? im envy. take me with you :""

 thank you amos :) he's posting at 00.00, maaciw dasyat beg, unyuk kali ya -_-

 thats from rilaaa :) maaciw bebi bala-bala, muka aku maak -_- ga apalah tetap cantik kok :*

Weeii aku kangen kalian wei, Jatinangor itu jauh kalau begini -_- tiket pesawatnya cairkan dong :"") huaaa I miss you girl, its always not happy & perfect without me *gaya* huh! I miss you both :*

thank you iyeng, fight for your mid term, ganbatte !! i miss you :*

i love you all ♥ 
miss our togetherness

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

Hello Mr. Moon

Good Night universe, can't sleep is the big problem now. I want to tell you a story. Someone write about the boy and apple's tree, there apple's tree always be a place that forgotten by that boy, but that tree always happy to greet that boy. It gives all part of her body until it just have a big root but It still give anything that the boy want. It seems like our story, like we and our parent, so bad if you thinking you just come if need something, you always want to hear but not to listen, always complain but nothing to do, BUT they always tolerant for us without limit, always make they face happy beside all their problems. Until they being old and we realize, we wrong to leave them, and use a little time together.
After read it, I just one thing. Please December come fast, I want back home & Christmas, meet Dad, Mom and Tsujand. I miss you so bad, really need you in every time in my day, it so long term and I'm homesick. So home, why you always taste comfort and warm ? I'm feeling bad if remember you.
Dear Santa, please blessing my day & exams, so 77 days for Christmas is seems come asap. 

Sleep Tight bloggers :)

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

welcome ages !

Bye September, hello Autumn & Welcome back October, can't skip 17 from your day ? I want 19 forever hahaha. Anyway Thanks, I'm feel relax and wake up after September. Wish everything run smoothly, can pray the rosary and novena well in this month, and I want a bucket of rose without pollens ._.