Senin, 22 April 2013

what a me. lol

I'm not good to express something, I just try to make good situation and make my heart calm. I'm sorry cause my fortress I build this for long years, and fyi this fort began collapsing little by little, if you have a time, you can wait, but if not, I never hold you. Love, you selecting by yourself,  but you can't force, it will come back to its owner (Maria S, 2013)

Sabtu, 20 April 2013

I don't even know what, but he's coming for you. Yeah, He's coming for you!
(Foster the People - Pumped Up Kicks)

Sabtu, 06 April 2013

see you saturday.

deep condolence fik :( God loves her more fik. Yang Ikhlas, sabar buat semuanya, kami semua berharap ada disana fiiiiiiiikk :( biar bisa ngebantu apa aja buat hari itu, rasanya kalau gini gak enak, karna ga bisa bantu secara langsung, ga bisa komunikasi langsung, berharap Tika, Amek, Yudha bisa ngewakilin kita semua ya fik, fikkkk yang tabah yaaa. kita semua sayang mama, tapi Tuhan lebih sayang :"" She will be an angel fik, trust me. 

I know you'll never read this post, but I know everyone read this post will pray for you, 
be strong brother, God has a plan
lonten loves you much, tell us ! and we will help you :'