Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

Day 31 : Quite

quite for bring me to reality, hello Medan ! 

Day 30 : Clutter

Day 29 : Sunshine

How I miss this sunshine, morning walking with yellow and warm people at home :')

Taken at Complex PT.RAPP, Riau, Indonesia

Day 28 : Routine

Never work before breakfast; if you have to work before breakfast, eat your breakfast first 
- Josh Billings

Day 27 : Words

yes you. 

Day 26 : Something new

new design for new family :) AMDG ! 

Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

Day 25 : Eat

Hungreeeeh ! 
Taken at Unidentified Flying Chicken, Medan, Indonesia. 

Day 24 : Favorite Candy

cousin and her favorite candy 

Day 23 : Building

Prambanan Temple, Jogjakarta, Indonesia 

Day 22 : Button

what to do ? 

Day 21 : Texture

plain egg be omelet with full green texture 

Day 20 : Tiny

Yellow's tiny fingers

Day 19 : Stairs

Day 18 : Funny

good time good talk good friends :) 

You may forget your childhood, but your childhood does not forget you 

Day 17 : An Animal

Ai realllleeeh mees yooouh Yellow :( maybe your genetic not cool like another but i love you sissy :( miss our stupidity 

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013


Dirgahayu Indonesiaku ke-68. Semoga menjadi bangsa yang besar di depan Tuhan, menjadi bangsa panutan, dan tetap dicintai rakyatnya. Selalu bangga menjadi anak Indonesia, selalu bangga punya Indonesia yang indah, kalau bicara tentang masalah, semua negara memilikinya tinggal kita menyikapi dan menyelesaikan bukannya mengeluh dan menghina. 
Semoga kelak saya & generasi muda lainnya bisa semakin memerdekakan Indonesia, tidak lagi dengan menculik Presiden dan Wakil Presiden seperti tahun 1945 lalu, tapi memberikan perubahan dengan kecerdasan yang kita miliki :)

Happy Independence Day Indonesia, I love you <3 div="">

thank you google for these doodles :) MERDEKA ! 

Dy 16 - Work

throwback 2 years ago, our practice at Physiology's Laboratory

Day 15 - Colorful

friendship is a colorful thread and friends are the hands which keep it in tact - unknown

Day 14 - Tool

fighting every night in term 4 just for this journal 

Day 13 - a Corner

this dry tree located in corner of my house, epic ;)

Day 12 - Where I Stand

Day 10 - Entertaiment


Day 9 - Favorite Room

Bedroom always be my favorite room, but until now I don't have my steady room --"

Day 8 - Outdoors

not full team, maybe after holiday we do it again, no outdoors i hope.

Minggu, 11 Agustus 2013

Day 7 : Far away

There is no distance on this earth as far away as yesterday 
- Robert Nathan 

Day 6 : Black & White

i love to eat but hate being fat *sigh*

Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

Day 5 - Clean

after a few minute, it back to zero for twice time. Fck! 

Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

Jumat, 02 Agustus 2013

Day 2 - Family

with Angel & Geo. Quality time talking Minion's Language 'pa-poy ba-na-na'

Kamis, 01 Agustus 2013

Day 1 - Hat

throwback 3 years ago. at Jembatan Kota Intan, Jakarta, Indonesia. 


spent this August with low signal and try to join again 30 days challenge with blogspot cause limited capacity for open instagram and very poor java app so does tumblr not work well :(. Try Different way ya haha. wish not fail this time :)