Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

Dear Lonten :)

Next year, It's so last "good" time for us, I think you (all) will near from thesis, KKN, etc; and you really busy & need personal time for doing it better. I will feel lost you one bye one, for a next time. Me ? I'm still in semester 4 & 5. I really envy for you guys, maybe if.. 
But I think your faster make me survive and get more spirit for being like you. Pray for us, I can't imagine, when we grow old and we're being successful peoples, How I miss you right now :" 
Next year, we must holiday TOGETHER ! MUST ! I can't wait to meet youu cunaaah, I miss you emuuaah :* sucecess for us 
love wiwin. xoxo

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